WA6TOW 146.925 -600 OFFSET PL 114.8 MONTARA PEAK PACIFICAThe two meter repeater is up to full performace with receiving and transmitting with an antenna replacement as of August 26, 2021. The Coast Side Club has purchased and has acquired new systems for both VHF and UHF. The installation time line has yet to be determined.
KC6ULT 146.865 -600 PL 114.8 REDWOOD CITY HIGHLANDSAbout the Emergency Backup Repeater
The KC6ULT emergency powered capable system overlooks Redwood City and has comparable coverage to TOW. As with the Coast Side System, all Net Control operators should make sure that repeater is not in use with emergency traffic or public service event activites before activating this backup system for the Knights Net.
Finally, for all stations participating in the net, if no activity is heard at the time of the Net on TOW, transmit through that system with your I.D. to determine if the system is working, If not, go to the alternate system and monitor for Knights Net activity. There also may be some instances where TOW is being used for communications for a public service event on a Sunday morning. In that case check ULT for Knights activity.
Thanks goes to Bill Lillie N6BCT, Knights Net member for his efforts in acquiring a backup repeater and Dan Bennett KF6FSH of San Mateo County RACES and Office of Emergency Services for permission to use the ULT system if TOW is not available due to an outage. This permission is vaiid until February 23, 2021 and must be renewed in December, 60 days before the expiration date.